Open Science Framework

Open Science Framework or OSF is a free and open-source project management tool that helps researchers manage, store, and share research material (documents, code, data, pre-registration, preprints, etc) throughout the entire research lifecycle.

OSF HOME: A personal repository of public or private ‘projects’. Each project contains a wiki, file storage, ‘components’ (file structure), and tracks changes. Users also have the option to assign the project tags, copyright license, create a DOI, and integrate a number of ‘Add-Ons’ including GitHub, figshare, DropBox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc. The integration of Add-Ons allows the user to have an OSF repository without the need to duplicate research materials already available in other tools (such as data in a GitHub repository).

OSF REGISTRIES: An open repository of pre-registrations for experimental science. Pre-registrations do not need to be discipline or subject-specific and can follow a number of templates including, Registered Report Protocols, Replication Recipe (Brandt et al., 2013), Post-Completion, etc.

OSF PREPRINTS: An open preprint repository. Preprints do not need to be from a specific subject or discipline. However, a number of preprint repositories use OSF’s open-source infrastructure, including PsyArXiv, MetaArXiv, and MindRxiv.

Extras available to Princeton researchers

Good to know

  • Longevity: OSF has funding for the next 50 years.

  • Individual file size limit: 50GB

  • Storage limit per private project: 5GB

  • Storage limit per public project: 50GB

  • Additional storage can be added through the use of Add-Ons such as GitHub, figshare, or Dataverse

Create an account

  1. Go to OSF

  2. Click ‘Sign in through institution’

  3. Create an accout with your Princeton email address

Examples of work at Princeton

  • Index of public repositories and pre-registrations by Princeton researchers.

  • Musslick, S. (2020, October 20). Supplemental materials for preprint: SweetPea: A standard language for factorial experimental design. Retrieved from

  • Cheek, N. N. (2020, September 4). Seeing the subjective as objective. Retrieved from

  • Goldberg, A. E., Mon, S. K., Nencheva, M. L., Citron, F., & Lew-Williams, C. (2020, October 11). Pupillometry Data and Analysis.

  • [Pre-registration] Baek, S., Testerman, M. M., & Emberson, L. (2020, July 29). Attrition Rate in fNIRS-Based Infant Cognitive Neuroscience: A Meta-Analysis. Retrieved from

  • [Preprint] Kumar, M., Michael Anderson, Antony, J., Baldassano, C., Brooks, P., Cai, M. B., … Norman, K. A. (2020, December 9). BrainIAK: The Brain Imaging Analysis Kit. Retrieved from